templates/commons/navbarMobile.html.twig line 1

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  1. <div class="bgc-F7F6F2 zi-999 w-100 he-115 t-0 position-fixed content-nav">
  2.     <div class="fixed-top bbs-solid bbw-1 bc-F7F6F2 mar-80 bgc-F7F6F2  position-fixed he-30 d-flex align-items-center  zi-999 c-013399 pay-5">
  3.         <div class=" pax-15 mx-auto w-100">
  4.             <div class="row align-items-center justify-content-between">
  5.                 <div class="col  par-20 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between">
  6.                     <div class='col-auto pax-5  align-items-center fs-12'>
  7.                         <div class="d-flex navbar-rs align-items-center">
  8.                             <i class="fa-light no-fa-mobile fa-phone-flip mar-10 c-15683A fs-14"></i>
  9.                             <a class=" fw-500 tdl-none-h c-15683A" href="tel:+33474972537">04 74 97 25 37</a>
  10.                         </div>
  11.                     </div>
  12.                     <div class='col-auto pax-5  d-block align-items-center fs-12 mailNav'>
  13.                         <div class="d-flex navbar-rs align-items-center">
  14.                             <i class="fa-light no-fa-mobile fa-envelope c-15683A mar-10 fs-16"></i>
  15.                             <a class=" fw-500 tdl-none-h c-15683A" href="javascript:window.location.href = 'mailto:' + ['facomia.sarl','facomia.com'].join('@')"> {{ "facomia.sarl<!---->@<!---->facomia.com" }}</a>
  16.                         </div>
  17.                     </div>
  18.                 </div>
  19.             </div>
  20.         </div>
  21.     </div>
  22.     <div  class=" wip-100  bgc-white he-85 nav-mobile position-fixed l-0 t-30 zi-999">
  23.         <div class="rectangle-green-nav wi-70 he-115 bgc-15683A t-0 r-0 position-fixed zi-999">
  24.         </div>
  25.         <a href="{{path('front_landing')}}" class="d-block">
  26.             <img class='logo-nav position-absolute t-10 l-15' src="{{ asset('assets/img/logo.svg') }}" alt="Facomia" />
  27.         </a>
  28.         <div id="menuToggle" class="position-relative my-auto he-24 max-10 d-block d-lg-block">
  29.             <input type="checkbox" />
  30.             <span class="navTrigger">
  31.                 <i></i><i></i><i></i>
  32.             </span>
  33.             <div class=" baskerville linear-blue" id="menu">
  34.                 <nav class="navbar pl-1"  >
  35.                     <ul class="navbar-nav w-100 justify-content-between d-sm-flex align-items-center">
  36.                         {% for key, category in getCategories()|slice(0, 3) %}
  37.                             <li class="{% if getSubCategories(category)|length and category.isChaine %}dropdown{% endif %} nav-item max-5">
  38.                                 <a type="button" class="text-left c-244A90-h  c-1E2446 nav-link "
  39.                                    {% if getSubCategories(category)|length and category.isChaine %}href="#" id="navbarDropdown{{loop.index}}" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" {% else %}href="{{ path('front_products', {'catSlug':category.slug}) }} "{% endif %}>
  40.                                     {{ category.title }}
  41.                                     {% if getSubCategories(category)|length and category.isChaine %}
  42.                                         <i class="fas no-fa fa-chevron-down mal-5  fs-10"></i>
  43.                                     {% endif %}
  44.                                 </a>
  45.                                 {% if getSubCategories(category)|length and category.isChaine %}
  46.                                     <div class="dropdown-menu px-0 pay-16" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown{{loop.index}}">
  47.                                         {% for key, subCategory in getSubCategories(category) %}
  48.                                             <a class="dropdown-item c-1E2446 c-244A90-h" href="{{ path('front_products', {'catSlug':category.slug, "subCatSlug":subCategory.slug}) }}">
  49.                                                 {{ subCategory.title }}
  50.                                             </a>
  51.                                         {% endfor %}
  52.                                     </div>
  53.                                 {% endif %}
  54.                             </li>
  55.                         {% endfor %}
  56.                         {% for key, linkNav in getLinksNav() %}
  57.                             {% if linkNav is not iterable %}
  58.                                 <li class="nav-item max-5">
  59.                                     <a  class="text-left c-244A90-h fw-500 c-1E2446 nav-link" href="{{linkNav}}">
  60.                                         {{key}}
  61.                                     </a>
  62.                                 </li>
  63.                             {% else %}
  64.                                 <li class=" dropdown">
  65.                                     <a class="nav-link fs-14 pr-0 c-1E2446 c-244A90-h" href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
  66.                                         {{key}}
  67.                                         <i class="fas fa-chevron-down c-white mal-7"></i>
  68.                                     </a>
  69.                                     <div class="dropdown-menu px-0 pay-16" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">
  70.                                         {% for subKey, subLink in linkNav %}
  71.                                             <a class="dropdown-item c-1E2446 c-244A90-h"  href="{{ subLink }}">
  72.                                                 {{ subKey }}
  73.                                             </a>
  74.                                         {% endfor %}
  75.                                     </div>
  76.                                 </li>
  77.                             {% endif %}
  78.                         {% endfor %}
  79.                         <div class="d-flex justify-content-start mr-auto">
  80.                             {% if managedLocales|length > 1 %}
  81.                                 {% for key, managedLocale in managedLocales %}
  82.                                     {% set params = app.request.get('_route_params') %}
  83.                                     {% set params = params | filter((v, k) => k != '_locale') %}
  84.                                     <li class="{{ app.request.locale == managedLocale ? '' : "" }}    d-flex max-10">
  85.                                         <a class="text-center  d-flex c-inherit pax-10 text-uppercase {{ app.request.locale == managedLocale ? 'fw-700' : "fw-300 o-70" }} text-md-left nav-link"
  86.                                            href="{{ path('front_change_language', {'locale':managedLocale, "routeName":app.request.get('_route')})~"?"~params|url_encode }}">
  87.                                             <img src="{{ asset('assets/img/'~managedLocale~'.svg') }}" class="mar-4 br-20 bw-2 bc-white bs-solid" alt="drapeau {{ managedLocale }}  "/>
  88.                                             {{ managedLocale }}
  89.                                         </a>
  90.                                     </li>
  91.                                 {% endfor %}
  92.                             {% endif %}
  93.                         </div>
  94.                     </ul>
  95.                 </nav>
  96.             </div>
  97.         </div>
  98.     </div>
  99. </div>